The course was very fruitful for human resource and manpower within an organization. This describes the principles and techniques used by HR professionals and managers in the fields of selection, training, laws and regulations and motivation. We also came to know about the successful employee communication, managing performance, labor unions and international HRM.
We also learnt about selection process like tests and interviews. The course told us about compensation and motivation like pays, benefits, health care, holidays, pensions and other benefits.

Course has played the key role in my life. I have come to know that humans are better than machines. Machines like robots have limited thinking and power. The manpower from underdeveloped countries should be moved to highly developed countries.
This will facilitate both, as the labor will be cheap as compared to labor of developed country. In my country, most of organizations abuse, misallocate and misdirect this human resource to a low degree.
All organizations, whether national, multinational or international, have to deal with this resource very seriously. Human is the permanent resource from centuries to infinite future.
Any nation’s capacity to face the challenges of industrialization and globalization of business of the 21st century depends heavily on its human resources.
Out of capital, technology and human resources, it is the human resources that will help organizations to face the challenges of business globalization. Capital can be generated, technology can be developed, but suitably encouraged and motivated human resource is required to force the organization and the nation through the coming challenges.