Check online CNIC ID Card verification and detail Bio Data

Check online CNIC ID Card verification and detail Bio Data

Nadra offers an online verification system for all Pakistanis to check their IC Card online using their mobile phones. Nadra Pakistan’s score is increasing for Pakistan and Pakistanis due to security system increasing day by day because Pakistan facing many security problems nadra Pakistan takes a good step to increase the details of the system so that every Pakistani knows where their national ID card is or how much SIMS is working with their name.

It’s a very important issue in Pakistan that every Pakistani must cooperate with Nadra officials to save Pakistan and save Pakistani nations.

Check online CNIC ID Card verification and detail Bio Data or


To know your Nadra Details and biodata sample, SMS to 7000 with your National ID card number Nadra’s auto-system will send your Message back and give you your ID Card details.

The Interior Minister of Pakistan ordered Nadra to re-verify the CNICS of All Pakistani Citizens. It’s due to Mullah Mansoor or Muhammad Wali who’s dead in Pakistan by Drone Attack and find fake CNIC near his Car. CNIC Verification is necessary because Afghan people are leaving for Pakistan and taking their CNIC from Nadra, but due to terrorist activities in Pakistan, the Balochistan government and the KPK Government have requested the federal government send back Afghanis to their country because now Afghanistan is fine.

I understand that. But you need to kick out the retired army officers who are directors, etc. in NADRA. They can easily issue cards to their loved ones again. Secondly, there also needs to be a way under which every person is checked on the road for an ID card and not asked to come and verify. And a new design should be launched while the old one is cancelled so that the millions of Afghans who are holding Pakistani CNICs and using them to move abroad illegally can also stop.

Under special directives of the Hon. CH Nisar Interior Minister, a training seminar was held for NADRA staff on the National Emergency Plan for the Re-Verification of the NADRA Database hosted by Operation Division.

How to Check CNIC Number Bio Data:

NADRA Officially announced two ways to get the complete information / Bio Data of CNIC Owner.

First Method:

Go to your Mobile SMS (Message):

  1. Write CNIC Number and Send this SMS (Massage) to 8300/- than Nadra will send your CNIC Owner Details Home / Location through SMS.

Second Method:

In this way Nadra will Charge (Rs. 10) Pakistan Rupees.

  1. Sample again go to Mobile Message Service and write ID Card Number and Sent it to 7000 and after few seconds Nadra will reply you with the Information of National Identity Card Information.

Kindly Note Nadra will not show ID Card Owner and Father Name of Owner of CNIC.

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  1. Aghr nahi bola Chala jana e and he said he was going to be send karo mana tera ko jaha to ay reh he ran really early enough to ay ay papi is na bola he is a great idea 💡 me please basit ay papi is going well with my address on your own a gun even though you can do go out with a new 🆕 me money please let him be Eid ma Ghar ay ji please 🥺


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