Msc Physiotherapy Admissions Open in Liaquat National Medical College

Msc Physiotherapy Admissions Open in Liaquat National Hospital Medical College

Liaquat National Hospital and medical college admissions open in Msc Physiotherapy for 2 years program. This master degree design specifically as per internationally accepted standards, it incorporates a blend of basic health sciences embedded with an array of advanced studies about the clinical and educational aspects of health and illness. The institute promotes deducted teaching and training regimes complimented by foreign qualified faculty to maintain high professional standards and etiquettes.


Application forms are available, with prospectus from liaquat national school of Physiotherapy. Last date of submission of application forms: 14 June 2019.

4 years bachelor degree from Karachi University or equivalent having first division, National stadium road, Karachi 74800

Phone Number: 34412523

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