Combined Military hospital Malir cantt Karachi offering career opportunities session 2020, CMH Karachi invites Job applications from Interested and eligible candidates.
CMH Karachi requires IT Assistant,(the candidate must have graduate degree with diploma in computer science) DBSA (The candidate must have ICS Degree with computer networking diploma, and have experience of database) LDC, ( Matric pass candidates having minimum 30 mint speed can apply for LDC position) Assistant Clerk Matric pass candidates having minimum 30 mint speed can apply), Medical Assistant Male and Medical Assistant female, Ward Boy, Cook, gate keeper, sentry worker.

The Pakistani national holder with minimum age limit from 18 to 25 years old the age relaxation will be given according to laws of government of Pakistan.
The job application form with related documents must be reached to CMH Karachi within 15 days of this advertisement; the advertisement date is.
CMH Karachi will call to selected candidates for test and interview, the date and time of test and interview will be announced later.
CMH Karachi will not give to any TA/DA to any candidate for test and Interviews.