Imran Khan PTI Peace March Islamabad to Waziristan

Imran Khan PTI Peace March Islamabad to Waziristan

Pakistan tehreek e insaf Peace March to Waziristan starts from dated 06-October-2012. Imran khan always doing something different, this march can become very dangerous for Imran khan Pakistan tehreek insaf, butt our prayers are with your Imran khan.

PTI Peace March Islamabad to Waziristan
PTI Peace March Islamabad to Waziristan

Now the peace march of Pakistan Tehreek insaf reached on dera Ismail Khan, the local people are welcomes Pakistan thereek insaf Imran khan. This peace march is against US drone Attacks.

Thousands of people with Imran khan will be gone to Waziristan on today.  Government employee vocations have been ended due to this march; Pakistan Army has been alert to face any problem.

This peace march starts from Islamabad and new reached in dera Ismail khan.

Different people from different cities has also join Peace march of Pakistan thereek insaf.

Mian iftkhtar said they are with Imran khan Pakistan thereek insaf and they will be save Imran khan and all people who are with Imran khan and with peace march.

All young and others Pakistani and overseas Pakistani are with Pakistan Threek insaf ((Imran Khan) for real change in Pakistan.

Pakistan tehreek insaf march 06-october 2012
Pakistan tehreek insaf march 06-october 2012

This is request from All Pakistani for Pakistan tehreek insaf and Muslim League Nawaz group to joins heads with each other for Pakistan.

This request is for Nawaz Sharif, Shahbaz Sharif and Imran Khan

I am a Professor at a Private College located in Lahore. My goal is to facilitate educational activities through this platform.

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